Just returned from a truly inspiring community building conference at the Eden Project, Cornwall. Big Lunch Extras is an offshoot of the Eden Project’s Big Lunch which, though still in it’s relative infancy, has brought together millions of people across the UK in their local communities. The Big Lunch is a simple and accessible way of bringing communities together, from all backgrounds and walks of life, around food! 🙂 Why not organize a Big Lunch in your neighbourhood (see the link below)?
The four day camp was comprised of speakers and workshops aimed to address a diverse array of community related topics including funding, engagement, energy, and of course, how to throw a right proper party!

Both the information and the way in which it was delivered was truly awesome. And, for me, the thing I will most treasure is the network of like-minded individuals and organisations that we are now a part of – priceless!

During the weekend the BLE staff created some time for us to share our own community-related stories – wow, what an amazing group of ‘ordinary’ people! I’m left wth the heart-warming thought that this was just a tiny sample of our British public – how many more ‘ordinary’ people, doing extraordinary things, are there out there?
For my small part I briefly introduced the Children’s Fire and spoke of my passion to bring communities together around the principle of placing Life, and our future generations, first – in all that we do.
So, look out for a Big Lunch in your area and please do get involved. You can get more information here…
Thank you all, participants and BLE staff, for such a wonderful few days.